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Ethical Copywriting

A few years ago, in the middle of the Great Covid Career Crisis, I decided to put my writing skills to work and become a copywriter. I took a course, as one does. It was interesting,  but I wanted more depth, so I bought a bigger, much more expensive course from a...
Content Creation for Building Community

Content Creation for Building Community

Deepening the conversation around ideal client personas   I have been mulling over something new, but not-new: that when we create content, there is an intended audience. And the more we know about the intended audience, the easier it becomes to create content...

7 Ways to Navigate Writer’s Block

Most days, my fingers don’t want to move to the keyboard and get tapping. They resist, and my creative mind closes shut like the drawbridge to an ancient castle. Can you hear it squeaking? Here’s what helps: #1 Take a brain break.   Staring at the same old...
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