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Ethical Copywriting

A few years ago, in the middle of the Great Covid Career Crisis, I decided to put my writing skills to work and become a copywriter. I took a course, as one does. It was interesting,  but I wanted more depth, so I bought a bigger, much more expensive course from a...

Conscious Marketing & FOMO

A few days ago, I had a lightbulb moment. In a webinar. That was selling something I wanted.  It wasn’t an uncommon experience, to be in a webinar and want the thing on offer (you’ve probably been there, too), but it has been all I can think about for the past few...

Authentic Advertising

Can I let you in on a little secret?  I don’t really like advertising. Maybe it’s because copywriters are hyper-focussed on words, but in my head, the meaning of the word advertising has gotten tangled up with the idea of fast-fashion’s 52 “micro-seasons” and images...
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