by Susan Tutt | Feb 20, 2024 | writing
A Solopreneur’s Guide to the Writing Process Many people think good writers just sit down at their keyboards and tap away, and the piece of writing comes out the ends of their fingers onto the page, fully formed and complete. Newsflash- That’s not actually how...
by Susan Tutt | Feb 9, 2024 | writing
What if, instead of feeling like you have to have it all figured out before you publish your website, your website was actually the way to figure it all out? I see the people who come to your website (I like to call them visitors) as people who want to...
by Susan Tutt | Jul 19, 2023 | writing
Deepening the conversation around ideal client personas I have been mulling over something new, but not-new: that when we create content, there is an intended audience. And the more we know about the intended audience, the easier it becomes to create content...
by Susan Tutt | Jul 11, 2023 | writing
Most days, my fingers don’t want to move to the keyboard and get tapping. They resist, and my creative mind closes shut like the drawbridge to an ancient castle. Can you hear it squeaking? Here’s what helps: #1 Take a brain break. Staring at the same old...
by Susan Tutt | Mar 9, 2023 | copywriting, writing
I recently completed a major kitchen renovation in my home. It included ripping up old layers of flooring, tearing out walls and insulation-… taking it back to the studs, as they say in the business. This renovation was the culmination of several years of...
by Susan Tutt | Oct 25, 2022 | copywriting, writing
When I was studying to be a teacher, I developed passionate viewpoints about many things: life-long learning educational equity instructional design learning styles & reading comprehension These are all pieces of the Education puzzle we teacher-folk...